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Janitorial Services

Nightly janitorial services are provided Monday through Friday starting after 5:30 p.m., except on building designated holidays. The janitorial contractor will perform typical janitorial services such as vacuuming, dusting, mopping, and emptying trash. A few suggestions to insure that all the services will be performed are listed below:

  • Large boxes or questionable trash too large to fit in a desk trash can should be clearly marked “TRASH”, preferably with a yellow post-it-note or with a permanent marker. Items that are clearly marked will be removed with the normal nightly trash.
  • Any extraordinary items such as a large quantity of books, shredding material, discarded furniture items, or anything larger than a regular trash bin should be submitted to the Management Office via the Service Request System for further evaluation by the janitorial staff. Removal of these items must be coordinated with the dumpster schedule. There is a removal fee for this extensive service.
  • Emergency clean ups that cannot wait for the normal night crew to maintain should also be submitted to the Management Office via the Service Request System.
  • Building Management should be made aware of any rooms containing sensitive materials that a tenant wishes to not be cleaned on a permanent basis. Management will place a small Restricted No Entry sign above the door handle and communicate the tenant’s request for no janitorial service in such room(s) to the janitorial contractor.
  • Tenant offices that tenants may not want cleaned on one particular night should be designated by the tenant putting their garbage can outside of their closed office door.
  • In order to insure that exposed surfaces will be dusted, please remove items from your desk and/or shelves. Computer equipment is not dusted.
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