- Development of evacuation plans.
- Familiarize employees with the location of all exit stairwells.
- Familiarize employees with the location and proper use of fire extinguishing equipment within the building. Train employees in emergency response procedures.
- Assignment of fire-fighting responsibilities. Designate and train individuals in fire-fighting techniques for small fires only (areas of less than 10 square feet). When the fire-fighting personnel arrive, give them the information they need regarding the cause of the fire and the status of fire-fighting efforts.
- Designate an off-site relocation meeting area away from the building so all employees know where they are supposed to go and await further instructions.
- Auxiliary firefighting equipment such as fire extinguishers, which can be found in each tenant’s suite, should be kept accessible for immediate use. The tenants should provide additional specialized equipment for specific fire hazards and high-risk areas, such as computer rooms, storage areas, etc.
- Tenants are required to keep the premises in a safe and clean condition. Aisles, corridors and exit doors are to be kept clear of obstructions.
- Provide for Safety Warden(s) and Deputy Warden(s) identification such as an armband, hat, and whistle, which are to be used during the fire drills and actual fires.
- Practice emergency procedures to assure familiarity with individual responsibilities.
- All tenants should participate in the fire drills scheduled by the Benson Tower Management Office to familiarize employees with fire exits, fire alarm procedures, etc., and should assemble in the designated areas and follow the instructions of the Safety Wardens.
Safety Wardens' Responsibilities
- Complete the Fire Drill & Evacuation Responsibilities Reference Chart available under Forms section of Benson Tower’s website (www.BensonTowerNOLA.com) and post this conspicuously in areas where employees gather. This chart should be updated as needed and sent to the Benson Tower Management Office. On multiple tenant floors, the tenants should know the Safety Warden(s) and be familiar with the Reference Chart.
- Notify the Building Management of any emergency situation (504) 493-6760.
- In the event of an actual fire on your floor, make sure the voice EVAC has been transmitted.
- Direct the evacuation of your floor in accordance with the directions received.
- Inform employees of the Safety Warden responsible for the order to evacuate.
- Remind personnel that the elevators shall be used only when assisted by the fire department.
- Select the safest stairwell to use in evacuating the staff on the basis of the location of the fire and/or any information received from the fire command station. The fire warden will check the environment on the stairwell prior to entry for evacuation. If it is affected by smoke, an alternate stairwell shall be selected and the fire command station notified.
- Keep the fire command station informed of the means being employed for evacuation by the occupants of his/her floor and other particulars.
- Fire Safety Wardens must know where all handicapped occupants in their suites are located and keep an up-to-date list. Persons having any mobility impairment need to be considered prior to any need for evacuation. These occupants may need special assistance in the event of evacuation. Two buddies must be assigned to each handicapped person to assist with evacuation. It is necessary for Safety Wardens to notify the Building Management Office of any mobility impaired tenant that may require special assistance in the event of an evacuation. Such information should be reported to the Management Office on an updated Tenant Authorization & Emergency Contact Form available under the Forms section of Benson Tower’s website (www.BensonTowerNOLA.com) and submitted via the Service Request System. This information should also include women who are pregnant.
Safety Deputies' Responsibilities
- In the event of a fire, these Deputies shall help the Safety Warden in effective implementation of the fire evacuation plan for all the staff in their suite. In the absence of the Safety Warden, one of these Deputies shall become the alternate Safety Warden.
- In the event the Safety Warden’s absence, they will inform Building Management of any replacement or substitutes.
The Building Management Team is available to assist you in organizing training sessions for your designated employees.