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Benson Tower

  Suspicious Persons / Active Shooter

Suspicious Persons

  • If the suspect(s) pose a danger to you, any member in your staff or visitors, call 911.
  • Notify Building Management at (504) 493-6760

Active Shooter

If shooting has erupted in another area of the building and/or you hear shots fired, resist the temptation to investigate the cause.  The “Run, Hide, Fight” method can be used to help individuals survive an active shooter situation.

  • Immediately call 911, and if time permits, call Building Management at (504) 493-6760
  • (RUN) If you are near a direct exit, consider leaving the building and moving away to a safe location. If possible, take a cell phone with you.
  • (HIDE) Lock or barricade the doors to your area and STAY DOWN. If you cannot secure your area, locate an area in which you can do so. If possible, quickly move in  the opposite direction where you are hearing the shooting.
  • (FIGHT) As a last resort, take action. Attempt to subdue or disrupt the shooter. You can use items such as chairs or a fire extinguisher to show aggression against the shooter.
  • Once law enforcement arrives, DO NOT appear as a threat and follow their instructions. They have been trained to ignore the frightened and wounded and focus their attention on engaging and stopping the shooter. Stay in your secured area until an “ALL CLEAR” is given over the PA system.
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