Access and Security Badges
- All construction personnel shall display identification badges at all times while they are present on the property. Contractor shall supply identification badges for all construction personnel.
- All construction and service personnel are required to sign in and sign out of the building with Benson Tower Security at the loading dock or lobby console.
- Parking in the loading dock, tunnel, and Champions Square is prohibited. Violators will be towed. All construction personnel and service personnel shall enter and exit the building through the loading dock area only.
- A Construction Work Notice Form which may be downloaded from the Forms section, shall be submitted to the Management Office via the Service Request System for the following:
- General Construction: Form must be submitted for approval prior to commencement of each project.
- Adjacent Space: Forms must be submitted for approval 72 hours prior to any work that will require access to adjacent lease spaces. Construction personnel and service personnel shall be liable for any damage to the tenant suite including, but not limited to, any of its furnishings and fixtures resulting from the work done. Upon completion of the work or before the beginning of the next business day the tenant suite or work area shall be restored to its prior condition.
- Building Systems: Forms shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days in advance of any work that would require the shutting down of or affect the operation of any building system (HVAC, electrical, water, etc.) so that adequate notice may be given to the tenants. This work is not to be performed during building operating hours without prior written approval from the Management Office.
- Freight Elevator: Forms shall be submitted for approval 72 hours in advance of any extensive use requirements for the freight elevators (i.e. stocking material, removing trash).
- After Hours Work: Construction personnel and service personnel will contact the Building Management Office before noon to obtain authorized access for work performed before or after normal working hours. Access to the building will be controlled by Benson Tower Security personnel located at the security console on the Bridge Level of the building. Access for any time on Saturday and Sunday must be coordinated with Building Management prior to noon on Friday.
- Construction and service personnel shall use the freight elevators at all times.
- Alcohol and drugs are prohibited at all times and are not permitted on the property or within the building. Construction personnel found to be in the possession of or under the influence of drugs or alcohol are subject to immediate removal from the property and banned from further work on the property.
- Construction and service personnel are not permitted to use vending machines, furniture, fixtures or equipment within the tenant’s leased premises. Construction and service personnel are to remain on the authorized floor where work is being performed and are not to loiter on non-project floors.
- Construction and service personnel are not allowed to advertise their company at any project performed in the building or on the property(s).
- Construction and service personnel shall take direction from the Management Office only.
- Construction and service personnel are to turn off all lights to the project when there is no work in progress.
- All construction and service personnel must be fully clothed (shirts, full-length pants and shoes) at all times while in the building or on the property.
- Eating and break areas are restricted to the project, restaurants (with proper attire) or other designated eating areas. Do not eat in vacant suites or common areas.
- All deliveries must be received at the project. At no time shall any materials, tools, or equipment be stored in any location other than the project without prior written approval from the Management Office. At no time during the project will any materials, tools, or equipment be stored in the tenants’ common corridors, freight vestibules, building common corridors, or building lobbies. A staging area will be provided by the building for this use.
- No construction and service personnel shall deface any areas of the project or property.
- Construction and service personnel shall provide adequate protection of work, from loss or damage from fire, theft, etc. All work shall conform to the requirement of all applicable codes, laws, rules, and regulations of all constituted public authorities having jurisdiction.
- The Management Office expects well-mannered construction/service personnel on the property. Any loitering on non-project floors, misconduct, or improper execution of work may be cause for removal from the project. Complaints by the tenants in reference to conduct will be noted and forwarded.
- There shall to be no littering, smoking, alcoholic beverages, firearms, controlled substances, or profanity on the property.
- Any overtime required by building personnel to allow access, ingress or egress or to immediately correct issues that are a direct result of actions by the construction and service personnel will be charged back to the Contractor.
- Only those subcontractors that have been approved by the Management Office may perform work on the project.
- All common areas shall be kept clean at all times. These areas include but are not limited to building common corridors and lobbies, restrooms, stairwells, elevators, loading dock, and the property grounds.
- Building Management expects a clean and safe job-site throughout the duration of the project.
- Construction debris and trash shall be designated and contained in one location of the project and removed from the job-site as soon as possible. Building Management reserves the right to require trash removal on demand. Include in the bid any costs to move any building inventory within the site.
- Construction debris and trash shall not be stored in mechanical rooms, freight lobbies, adjacent spaces or any other location outside of the job site. The management office will remove unauthorized trash without notice to the contractor and the cost of the trash removal will be deducted from the project contract.
- All trash removal shall be scheduled for weekends, or Monday through Friday between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. It shall be the contractors’ responsibility to move building inventory that will not be used in the project.
- Contractor shall provide damp walk off mats at each exit from the job site. Mats shall be maintained or replaced as necessary to prevent construction dust from being tracked throughout the buildings.
- Mechanical and electrical rooms shall be broom cleaned daily. Panel covers shall be replaced on all active electrical panels daily. Mechanical and electrical rooms will require painting (walls and floors) by the general contractor upon completion of the project.
- A clear self-adhering poly film will be furnished and installed by the contractor on all traffic areas within the tenant’s leased premises and on all common building traffic areas for the duration of the project. This product is to be included as a cost of the project. Construction and service personnel are expected to do whatever is necessary to protect building surfaces.
- All building common hallways, lobbies and freight vestibules must be protected with masonite for the duration of the project. Construction and service personnel are expected to do whatever is necessary to protect building surfaces.
- The contractor is required to vacuum and/or broom clean occupied tenant areas and the building common areas that are affected by project construction daily at the contractor’s cost.
- The contractor is required to wipe down any areas of the occupied tenant areas and the building common areas that are affected by project construction daily at the contractor’s cost.
- The contractor is required to paint as needed the electrical and mechanical rooms at the completion of the each project. Both the floors and the walls are to be patched and painted from corner to corner to address gouges, scratches, graffiti, etc. which occur during the course of the project construction.
- The contractor is required to relocate any building stock which is being stored in the designated work area for the project at no additional charge. Building Engineering Staff will advise on the new location for the stock.
Fire Sprinkler Systems
- Contractor shall notify Building Management in writing at least 72 hours in advance of any work affecting the sprinkler system.
- Contractor shall check in with the Chief Building Engineer immediately prior to commencement of the sprinkler work.
- Building Engineering shall accompany contractor and tag impaired devices.
- Sprinkler system drain down and refill are the responsibility of the contractor.
- When notified by the contractor, impaired device tags shall be removed by Building Engineering after the work is complete and the system is operational.
- The Contractor shall remain on site at all times when the sprinkler system is impaired and shall not leave until the system is refilled and all alarm or trouble conditions related to the work are cleared.
- Sprinkler standpipes or risers may not be drained or remain empty between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Should Building Engineering personnel be needed to assist with this work, the contractor shall pay the overtime rate for any time Engineering assistance was needed.
- Contractor will be responsible for re-lamping and replacement of any ballasts, switches, wiring, etc. not in working condition within the construction area. (This will not be done by building personnel.) All mechanical systems within the project area are to be functional.
- Sprinkler feed mains, cross mains and branch lines shall be drained after 7:30 a.m. on regular business days only, and must be refilled by 5:00 p.m. each day. Exceptions require prior approval by Building Management. The contractor will incur additional costs for Building Engineering personnel when these steps are not followed.
Fire Alarm System
- Contractor shall not conduct any activities that will activate the building fire alarm system.
- Contractor shall be charged $250.00 per occurrence in the event of false fire alarms caused by smoke detectors that have not been taken out of service prior to the work.
- Contractor shall notify Building Engineering and Security in advance of any activities that will require impairment of any smoke detectors.
- Smoke detectors will be taken out of service by Building Engineering. Contractor's personnel shall not disable smoke detectors for any reason.
- Contractor personnel must be present at all times on each floor or specific work area where the smoke detectors are disabled.
- Contractor shall notify Building Management and Security when the work is finished and shall not leave the project until all smoke detectors are back in service.
Building Facilities
- Restrooms, toilets, maid’s closet, wash bowls and other apparatuses shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which they were designed. Any expenses for repair of damage or extra cleaning to the above shall be borne by the contractor.
- Existing thermostats shall be protected during demolition and construction to prevent malfunction of the HVAC operating systems. Damaged units shall be the responsibility of the contractor to replace / repair.
The Work
- The work shall not begin prior to authorization by Building Management.
- Each project that requires demolition and renovation work shall be inspected per the NESHAP regulation promulgated by the EPA. Demolition shall not begin prior to such inspection and approval by Building Management. If demolition is to be performed in an occupied tenant area the area the Contractor will provide a dust wall consisting of wood or metal studs with 6 millimeter visqueen or ply board or gypboard. Unsupported visqueen will not be accepted. All work areas within an occupied tenant area are to be separated by caution tape or caution cones thereby blocking tenant ingress and egress through the work area.
- Noisy work shall be performed between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. or on weekends regardless of the location in the building. Noisy work includes but is not limited to drilling, hammer / core drill, grinding, shooting stud track or ceiling hanger wires, and the use of power saws.
- Contractor shall notify Building Management 72 hours prior to drilling floors for plumbing, electrical, or data/telephone lines. Contractor shall contact the Chief Building Engineer before drilling is to start AND after hole is drilled. Any hole larger than one (1") inch in diameter must be x-rayed and approved in writing by the building’s structural engineer prior to drilling. X-rays must be delivered to the Building Management Office. All holes shall be fire sealed with non-shrink cement.
- All welding shall be performed between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. and procedures for venting fumes shall be approved by Building Management 24 hours prior to commencement of the work.
- Contractor is to have an adequate number of fire extinguishers available at all times during the course of the project. The number of fire extinguishers shall be based on the square footage of the project.
- All work that will produce noxious fumes and/or compromise building air quality (ie: painting, wall covering installation, carpet and base installation, or minor refinishing of existing millwork) shall be performed after normal building hours beginning at 6:00 p.m. If low VOC materials are used, it will be at the discretion of Building Management.
- The Management Office is to be notified via the Construction Work Notice Form of any work requiring after hour performance. The AHU for the project floor will be programmed to ventilate the floor for three (3) hours each night after work is performed. The cost of running the fan will be deducted from the Contractors final requisition for payment for the project. Contractor is to include a best estimate for this cost when bidding all projects.
- All staining of doors and new millwork is to be done off site. If low VOC materials are used, it may be performed on-site at the discretion of Building Management.
- Contractor is responsible to furnish and install a pre-filter on the project floor(s) AHU for the duration of the project. The pre-filter is to be changed every Monday morning by 7:30 am by the contractor for the duration of the project. Contractor is to notify Building Engineering to change the pre-filter. Contractor is to include a best estimate for this cost when bidding all projects.
- When installing or removing doors in public corridors a temporary sheetrock wall must be installed until a permanent door or wall is installed.
- Before any construction begins a poly barrier must be installed at all new tenant demising walls from slab to slab, taped and sealed around all penetrations. A negative pressure must be maintained in the area of construction.
- Contractor is responsible to off gas all new carpet off site for 72 hours prior to installation.
- All products used on the project are to contain zero to low volatile organic compounds. An MSDS sheet will be required for all products used at the property.
- Management reserves the right to stop any work that is disruptive by sound or smell to the tenants in the building.
- Contractor shall work in harmony with other contractors and subcontractors performing work in the building on behalf of Management or other tenants.
- Contractor shall maintain an active and current safety training and record keeping program and require the same of any subcontractors.
- Contractor shall notify Management 72 hours in advance of ceiling closure so that Management will have the opportunity to inspect the work. The tenant is to be given ample notice so that their wiring / cabling vendors can be notified of the proposed closure of the ceilings. Cabling installation must be scheduled and coordinated with the contractor performing the construction. Installation should occur before the ceilings are closed by the contractor.
- All ingress and egress doors to the project are to be kept closed at times during construction. Contractor is required to furnish and install an ADA door closure at the beginning of the project to ensure the doors will be in the closed position during normal business hours.
- Any opening between the common building corridor and lobby and the project site is to be temporarily enclosed with gypboard at the contractors cost until the permanent fixture(s) is installed. Contractor is to include a best estimate for this cost when bidding all projects.
- Demolished materials are to be removed from the building.
- Contractor is to furnish and install the approved brass or metal transition strips between all carpet and granite/marble transitions.
- Contractor is to ensure that all existing demising walls are one hour rated, floated, sealed and properly fire sealed by the completion of the project.
- Contractor is to ensure that all existing mini-blinds are in good working order and thoroughly cleaned by the completion of the project.
- Contractor is to furnish the following documentation on the project:
- A weekly construction meeting will be held either at the job site or in the Building Management Office.
- Contractor will provide the meeting minutes 24 hours following each meeting.
- Contractor will provide a weekly progress report detailing the project schedule and status.
- Contractor will provide a written construction schedule for the project.
- Contractor will provide a written one year warranty for workmanship and labor for the project.
- Contractor will maintain a Request for Information Log in Excel for the project.
- Contractor will maintain a Submittal Log is Excel for the project.
- Contractor will provide finishes for the project for tenant approval.
- Contractor will provide copies of all permits.
- Contractor will maintain a Change Order Log is Excel for the project.
- Contractor will provide Trade Quotes for all Change Orders.
- Materials shall be hoisted via the freight elevators. Passenger elevators shall not be used for material or tool transportation.
- No materials shall be hoisted outside the freight elevator cabs without prior notification and approval of management. All costs associated with material hoisting shall be borne by the contractor.
- Materials or trash shall not be stored in the freight elevator lobbies, mechanical rooms or any other common space within the building. Materials shall not be stored in adjacent vacant space without prior consent of management.
- Dollies, carts and other moving or loading apparatus shall have rubber tires. The expense of any damage caused to doors/floors/walls, etc., by moving materials shall be borne by the contractor causing the damage. It is advised that all public areas be sufficiently protected in advance by the contractor to avoid such damage. Contractor is responsible for damage done by Subcontractors.
- Freight elevators are available on a first come, first served basis. The contractor is advised to contact Management 24 hours in advance of any hoisting operations that will require extensive use of the freight elevators to determine the availability of the elevators.
- Management reserves the right to inspect all tool boxes, storage bins, trash bins, gym bags, or other conveyances prior to removal from the property.
- The contractor shall comply with all Federal, State, and Local regulations pertaining to the use of hazardous materials or potentially hazardous materials. No hazardous materials may be used on the property without prior written approval of Management.
- All doors, hardware, door frames, light fixtures, HVAC units, air boots, slot diffusers, millwork and appliances to be removed from demolished leases are the property of the building and may be required to be relocated elsewhere (by contractor) in the building. Please contact Building Engineering at (504) 493-6760 for direction.
Service personnel, contractors and their subcontractors shall provide insurance coverage in accordance with the requirements of the Management Office which may be downloaded from the Forms or Insurance sections of Benson Tower’s website.
Hazardous Materials Spills or Releases
- If the materials can not be identified, assume they are hazardous.
- If a hazardous material is released or spilled, the following responses must be followed:
- Notify Building Management of the incident immediately. State the location of the accident, the type of material released, and any actions taken.
- Evacuate everyone in the vicinity immediately. This includes tenants, contractors, and building personnel. If the release of a dangerous vapor or gas occurs, a larger area of evacuation may be necessary.
- Once you know the area is cleared, you may take safe and reasonable steps to identify the released materials. If you can identify the materials, small spills of liquids may be limited with sand bags or absorbents. Isolated fumes or gases may be limited by closing doors or shutting down air handler units in the area. Immediately attempt to take all precautions to stop the spread of the material at the source.
- If the material has not been identified, the Property Manager or Chief Building Engineer will attempt to use Material Safety Data Sheets to classify the material according to its hazardous properties. If the spill or release is deemed to be a threat to a wide spread area of the property and its occupants, call 911 and ask for the Fire Department HAZMAT Response Unit.