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Fire Prevention
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Additional fire prevention tips are as follows:

  • Make sure appliances such as coffee makers are turned off at night.
  • If electrical equipment or a fluorescent light is not working properly, or if it gives off an unusual odor, disconnect the equipment or turn off the light and call the Building Management Office.
  • Leave at least 20 inches from the ceiling for stacked materials; allow space for air to circulate around copy machines, word processors, microwave ovens, and other equipment that gives off heat.
  • Flammable debris, fluids or chemicals should be properly stored per code requirements.
  • Make sure the power is shut off on all office equipment such as copiers, typewriters, calculators, computers, etc. at the close of the business day.
  • Do not accumulate quantities of discarded files or other paper trash in your office or storage area. Pay special attention to housekeeping in those departments that produce quantities of debris, such as duplication machines, mailing and receiving rooms.
  • When furnishing an office, consider the fire potential of materials used in large amounts, like overstuffed chairs, settees, couches or anything that could become a combustible item. Such furnishings should be flame proofed.
  • Freight elevator lobbies on all floors should be kept clear at all times to provide access for emergency equipment. Tenant belongings and deliveries should not be stored in freight lobby areas.
  • Report all burned out “Exit” sign bulbs to the Building Management Office.
  • Keep several flashlights with fresh batteries in an easily accessible location for emergency use.

Evacuation Personnel

Emergency evacuation procedures are administered by the Management Office in coordination with the building tenants. Those individuals involved consist of building management Staff, building engineers, building security personnel, tenant safety wardens and evacuation facilitators, and the local fire department.

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