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General Building Guidelines
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  • Movement in or out of the building of furniture or office equipment, or dispatch or receipt by tenants of any bulky material, merchandise or materials which requires use of elevators or stairways or movement through the building entrances or lobby, shall be restricted to such hours as Landlord shall designate. All such movement shall be under the supervision of Landlord and in the manner agreed between the tenant and Landlord by pre-arrangement before performance. Such pre-arrangement, initiated by a tenant, will include determination by Landlord, and subject to his decision and control, of the time, method, and routing of movement and of limitations for safety and other concerns which may prohibit any article, equipment or any other item from being brought into the building. The tenants are to assume all risks as to the damage to articles moved and injury to persons or public engaged in such movement, including equipment, property and personnel of Landlord if damaged or injured as a result of act in connection with carrying out this service for a tenant from time of entering property to completion of work; and Landlord shall not be liable for acts of any persons engaged in, or any damage or loss to any of said property or persons resulting from any act in connection with such service performed for a tenant. No such movement shall take place on the passenger elevators.
  • Extensive use of freight elevators is restricted to Saturdays and after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. Such use must be coordinated with the Property Management Office prior to the date of use to provide authorization and prevent conflict.
  • All damages to the building resulting from movement of property by a tenant shall be repaired at the expense of such tenant.
  • A tenant shall notify the Management Office when safes or other heavy equipment are to be taken in or out of the building, and moving shall be done under the supervision of the Property Management Office, after written permission from Landlord. Persons employed to move such property must be acceptable to Landlord. Landlord shall have the right to prescribe the weight and position of safes and other heavy equipment, which shall in all cases stand on supporting devices approved by Landlord to distribute weight.
  • All corridor doors shall be kept closed when not in use.

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